Danish Fairy Legends and Tales
Item Type: JAS Known Contents
Creator: Hans Christian Andersen
Publisher: London: William Pickering
Issued: 1846
Language: English.
Source: Memoirs p. 67: "It is significant, in this respect, that two tales made a deep impression at this period on my mind. One was Andersen’s story of the Ugly Duckling. I sympathized passionately with the poor bird swimming round and round the duck-puddle."Memoirs p. 135: "In a vague way, I compared myself to the ugly duckling of Andersen’s tales."Memoirs p. 171: "A dim consciousness of latent ability sus- tained me, and [rendered me equanimous though somewhat harder. I was still the ugly duckling—voilà tout.]"
Reproduced In: Hathi Trust
Reproduced In URL: https://hdl.handle.net/2027/hvd.hwhmbe
Author of this Entry: KY