History of the conquest of Peru; with a preliminary view of the civilization of the Incas
Item Type: JAS Known Contents
Creator: William Hickling Prescott
Publisher: George Routledge and Sons, Ltd.
Issued: 1847
Edition: Symonds does not specify the edition, so this is the first British edition published, though it does have an editor who was not involved in the first edition printed in New York.
Language: English, he translated to Greek
Author of this Entry: Sophia Berkey (added info, Nhat Tran)
Evidence Type: Letter
Volume: Page (Letter): 1: 174 (88)
Date: November 28, 1858
Addressed To?: Charlotte Symonds
Importance?: Not listed
Owned?: No, but later requested. At this time, however, it seems to a homework assignment which would have only required access to a singular passage.
Evidence: "In the evening Greek Prose from Prescott's Peru" (listed in notes as potential translation of the work into Greek prose
Context: Note is ambiguous, for it references a Greek translation, when in fact, Symonds was the one who likely translated this work (or passage from this work) as a homework assignment in Greek composition
Frequency Mentioned: Twice: "I never sent to say what books I would like to have... Carlyle's French & Guizot's English Revolutions: all Prescott's works: Hallam's Constitutional History: Chaucer, Spenser, the large Milton, & Wordsworth's Greek are the books I should like." 1:167 (83)
Source Contributor: Sophia Berkey (added info, Nhat Tran)