Chansons normandes du XVe siècle: publiées pour la première fois sur les MSS. de Bayeux et de Vire avec notes et introduction

Creator: Armand Gasté
Publisher: Caen: Le Gost Clérisse
Issued: 1866
Language: French
Source: Memoirs p. 293: "Ces godons, panches à pois... Dieu le Père si les mauldye! I have bought a collection of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century songs of this country, the Cotentin and Val de Vire. If after reading them, I find they have sufficient substance, I may write something about the town and its poets."|Old Norman Songs p. 1: "The poems which have been published from two MSS. of Vire, by Le Gost Clérisse of Caen, are a collection of the Volkslieder of the district."
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Author of this Entry: KY
Evidence Type: Book