
Item Type: JAS Known Contents
Creator: George Sand
Publisher: Hauman and Co.
Issued: 1843
Edition: No volume/edition is specified, so this is the sixth volume (although on the title page, "4-6" is handwritten), which is the earliest one I've come across.
Language: French
Author of this Entry: Shelby York
Evidence Type: Letter
Volume: Page (Letter): 1:251 (149)
Date: July 19, 1860
Addressed To?: W.R.W. Stephens
Importance?: Had been reading it at the time
Owned?: Possibly
Evidence: "My "shallow" reading has fallen much on music. Besides "Conseulo"..."
Context: Appendix 1 in the Memoirs (Symonds' case study for sexual inversion) mentions his attraction to Sand's Anzoleto happening at the same time as his attractions to Shakespeare's Adonis and Homer's Hermes (page 531), which suggests that the edition of Consuelo he read was an early edition that would have existed during his early childhood, which points to any of the editions published in the 1840s or early 1850s.
Frequency Mentioned: Twice; 1:254 (152) "Consuelo & Molière are a real blessing."
Source Contributor: Shelby York