[Der Neffe als Onkel] in Theater

Item Type: JAS Known Contents
Creator: C. Friedrich von Schiller, translator; Louis Picard, writer
Publisher: J. G. Cotta
Issued: 1807
Edition: Volume 5
Language: German
Author of this Entry: Kendra Brewer
Evidence Type: Letter
Volume: Page (Letter): 1:142 (68)
Date: May, 1858
Addressed To?: Charlotte Symonds
Importance?: Planned to perform scene at Harrow - Speech Day
Owned?: Possibly
Evidence: "I am going to speak in German with [Robert] Jamieson on Speech Day. It is a scene from Schiller's "Neffe als Onkel" between Champigny & the Uncle whom Ch. takes for the nephew. It is an amusing piece of imbroglio." Given the the lack of additional information, I have chosen to represent the first publication in which the work appeared.
Frequency Mentioned: Twice; 1:148-9 (72) "Jamieson behaved very oddly about our German Speech yesterday. [...] Besides having to learn it I feel I cannot say a fiery English Monologue, so well as a simple German comic dialogue. The momentous difference is awful--besides, the honour of German is far greater & that language is more appropriate to the Botfield Medallist."
Source Contributor: Kendra Brewer