Great Expectations
Item Type: JAS Known Contents
Creator: Charles John Huffam Dickens
Publisher: All the Year Round (published by Chapman & Hall)
Issued: 1860-61
Edition: Published as a serial between December 1860 and August 1861. The link only directs to All The Year Round 1860-12-01, where Great Expectations was firstly published.
Language: English
Author of this Entry: Yuhan Deng
Evidence Type: Letter
Volume: Page (Letter): 1: 268 (162)
Date: January 31, 1861
Addressed To?: Charlotte Symonds
Importance?: Read for amusement
Owned?: Not, most likely read in the library of a private club
Evidence: “Moreover I do read for my amusement. I am carrying on 4 periodical novels- Tom Brown [at Oxford], Framley Parsonage, Great Expectations, & Thackeray's new tale. These I consume after dinner at the Union [Symonds's club on Trafalgar Square, London: cf. Memoirs, 255] for an hour, at wh time the Noel Room becomes insupportably hot.”
Source Contributor: Yuhan Deng