Hymns. For the Chapel of Harrow School
Item Type: JAS Known Contents
Creator: Dr. Charles John Vaughan
Publisher: Crossley and Clarke
Issued: 1857
Edition: 2nd edition (reprint of 1st edition, which is represented digitally)
Language: English
Illustrations: Not applicable
Author of this Entry: Kendra Brewer
Evidence Type: Letter
Volume: Page (Letter): 1:138 (64)
Date: March 15, 1858
Addressed To?: Charlotte Symonds
Importance?: Given bound copy by Dr. Vaughan
Owned?: Yes
Evidence: "When I was with him [Dr. Vaughan] he gave me a volume of the Harrow Hymn Book nicely bound & wrote my name in it." Of the two possible editions published by the time of this letter, the most recent one (1857) was selected as this would have been used at every chapel visit. "Harrow. 1st ed., Hymns, 1855, 240 Hys. and a Dox. 2nd ed., 1857, a reprint; 3rd ed., 1866, 351 Hys., 3 Dox. (Ed. 1, 2 by Dr. Vaughan, ed. 3 by Dr. Butler.)" This quote is found on page 939, note 3 of the second edition of A Dictionary of Hymnology: Setting forth the Origin and History of Chrisitan Hymns of all Ages and Nations (1907) as edited by John Julian, D.D.. In this context, "Dox." likely refers to a doxology, which is a type of hymn.
Source Contributor: Kendra Brewer