Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest; With Anecdotes of Their Conquest, Now First Published from Official Records and Other Authentic Documents, Private as well as Public.
Item Type: JAS Known Contents
Creator: Agnes Strickland
Publisher: Henry Colburn
Issued: 1840-1848
Edition: 12 volumes total
Language: English
Author of this Entry: Kendra Brewer
Evidence Type: Letter
Volume: Page (Letter): 1:120 (49)
Date: October 11, 1857
Addressed To?: Charlotte Symonds
Importance?: Possibly reading for leisure
Owned?: Possibly
Evidence: "I have been reading Miss Strickland's Lives of the Queens, & am particularly interested in her account of Queen Mary [I (1516-58)]. She defends the character of that much abused Queen very well & shows how her feelins had been so chilled in early youth that her character settled down certainly into one of sternness, but not of that ferocity which is usually ascribed to her. [...] I like Miss Strickland's style very much & recommend you if ever you [are] at a loss for a good history to read hers. It is written in an easy way & introduces so many little anecdotes which are not recorded in more general histories." Note that the fifth volume of the set contains information about Queen Mary I. Given the lack of evidence relating to specific edition, I have chosen to represent the first edition here.
Source Contributor: Kendra Brewer