The Epistles of St Paul to the Thessalonians, Galatians, Romans, with Critical Notes And Dissertations

Item Type: JAS Known Contents
Creator: Benjamin Jowett
Publisher: John Murray
Issued: 1855, second edition in 1859
Edition: 2 volumes
Language: English
Author of this Entry: Kathryn H. Stutz
Evidence Type: Letter
Volume: Page (Letter): 1:281 (172)
Date: March 4, 1861
Addressed To?: Charlotte Symonds
Importance?: Possibly to be included in a revised issue of the so-called Blue Pamphlet (Statements of Christian Doctrine and Practice: Extracted from the Published Writings of the Rev. Benjamin Jowett, 1861)
Owned?: Yes
Evidence: "I was walking with [T.H.] Green on Friday, to whom [Canon A.P.] Stanley has entrusted the selection of passages, & he asked me to suggest any that I thought desireable for insertion into the next issue. If Papa happens to have noted pieces from either the Epistles or the Essay, perhaps he wd tell me: for I know they wish to have any future edition as complete as possible."
Frequency Mentioned: Twice; 1:103 (36) "Mr Rendall has lent me Jowett on several of Paul's Epistles—a 2 volumed book—in which I have been working up Thess. I. II. tog. with Alford. It is a very nice & useful book."
Source Contributor: Kathryn H. Stutz