The Heir of Redclyffe

Item Type: JAS Known Contents
Creator: Charlotte Yonge
Publisher: B. Tauchnitz
Issued: 1855
Edition: 2 volumes
Language: English
Author of this Entry: Nhat Tran
Evidence Type: Letter
Volume: Page (Letter): 1:193 (102)
Date: June 1859
Addressed To?: Charlotte Symonds
Importance?: Family book, implied that Symonds read it
Owned?: Unsure
Evidence: "A good & wise saying once went forth in our family that you are the prototype of Charlotte in the Heir of Redcliffe [sic]: certainly your long letter (which I have only just got) most fully justifies it."
Frequency Mentioned: Twice; 1:110 (41) "Well after this digression I come to the point which is that he adores Miss Yonge. I mention it as a wonderful fact because I never yet saw a boy who did. He can repeat pages of the Heir of Redcliffe [sic] & thinks Guy a Demigod. I had a long discussion in which he endeavoured but I think failed to prove that Guy was natural--a possible, tangible, & not at all improbable human being."
Source Contributor: Nhat Tran