Untitled "Heraldic" inquiry in Notes and Queries: A Medium of Inter-Communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneaologists, Etc.

Item Type: JAS Known Contents
Creator: John Addington Symonds, Jr.
Publisher: Bell & Daldy
Issued: January 24, 1857
Edition: 2nd Series, Volume 3rd, January through June 1857, No. 56
Language: English
Author of this Entry: Kathryn H. Stutz
Evidence Type: Letter
Volume: Page (Letter): 1:85 (26)
Date: January 24, 1857
Addressed To?: Editor of Notes and Queries
Importance?: Wrote an inquiry to be pubilshed in Notes and Queries, JAS's first published item
Owned?: Yes
Evidence: "Heraldic.—Can any correspondent of "N&Q" tall me to what families these arms belong?"
Frequency Mentioned: Twice; 1:89 (28) "I am anxiously expecting an answer to my question in Notes & Queries. Please to ask Auntie to look through the Jan. no. It is headed "Heraldic" & signed J.A.S."
Source Contributor: Kathryn H. Stutz